Wednesday, April 12, 2017

The Pursuit of Equality Is Deconstructing and Killing Us

E. Jeffrey Ludwig  . . . "Thus racism is more than a weakness or tendency.  It is a permanent moral stain requiring permanent atonement. 

"It consigns whites to the status of eternal penitents before a wronged party from whom forgiveness or absolution will never be forthcoming.  Nothing whites can do can satisfy the pain of the historical wrongdoings against black Americans, and a penalty must be exacted repeatedly ad infinitum.  Whites must continuously strive to expiate their sin, but the expiation process cannot be ended.  Racism is permanent. It is part of white DNA (almost literally, whether or not found by genome specialists or  
"However, this type of deconstruction of the meaning of a term whereby a biological trait is proclaimed as applying to a formerly sociological concept is reversed when it comes to the left's ideology of sexual identity." . . .

. . . "So, follow this line of reasoning:  racism is so strong in whites they cannot freely step away from it; but the reality of DNA must give way, and will give way, before the transgender agenda." . . .

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