Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Lib media desperate to declare White House egg roll a failure

Image result for politically correct easter eggs cartoons
Ed Straker  "The liberal media, so desperate for anti-Trump stories to feed into their narrative, are looking to use something as innocuous as the White House Easter egg roll as a yardstick to show "yet another" failure of the Trump administration.  There are many legitimate grounds to criticize the Trump administration on ("DREAMers," more Syrian refugees, not supporting full Obamacare repeal), but an Easter egg roll?  Come on!
It's the single most high-profile event that takes place at the White House each year, and the White House and the first lady are judged on how well they put it on," said Melinda Bates, who organized eight years of Easter Egg Rolls as director of the White House Visitors Office under President Bill Clinton. "I'm really concerned for the Trump people, because they have failed to fill some really vital posts, and this thing is all hands on deck."
"Vital posts...for an egg roll?  If these posts are focused on events like egg rolls, are they really so vital?
"The article also claims this is the single most high-profile event at the White House.  Does that include state dinners for foreign leaders?  The White House is "judged" by an Easter egg roll?  Don't the stakes sound more than a little exaggerated?" . . .

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