Saturday, April 21, 2018

Chicken Fried Hate

Trevor Thomas  "As has been well documented, the left is hating on Chick-fil-A...again.  No one should be surprised by this, least of all Chick-fil-A.  Back in 2012, Chick-fil-A became a prime target of the left when its then-president and chief operating officer, Dan Cathy – son of founder Truett Cathy and now the chairman and CEO of Chick-fil-A – gave a benign interview to Baptist Press (the Cathys are longtime members of New Hope Baptist Church in Fayetteville, Ga.).

Cartoon added, TD
 . . . "And like it or not, part of this fight is political.  In spite of losing the electoral battle on marriage – in a landslide – the left fought on and eventually – as is so often the case in such things – got the court victory it lusted after.  Because leftists have made a god of government, the principal instrument for the left to spread its corrupt worldview is politics; thus, we must fight in the political realm.

"We are far past the moral crossroads Al Mohler referenced several years ago.  There is no room for compromise, and there is little to no opportunity for silence.  If high-profile Christian business-owners, athletes, entertainers, politicians, pundits, pastors, and so on won't boldly and loudly stand for the truth on something as fundamental as marriage and the family, what can they be trusted to stand for?  To whom much is given, much is required.
"Again, marriage is the oldest institution in the history of humanity – older than God's covenant with the nation of Israel, older than the Law, older than the church.  Marriage is one of the earliest truths revealed by God.  If anything is true, marriage as the union of one man and one woman is true.  On this, there can never be compromise, and there should never be silence."

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