Saturday, April 21, 2018

Eric Holder's past affiliations with radical leftist causes

Eric Holder’s Radical Past Involved ‘Armed’ Takeover of ROTC Building
Photo added
"Attorney General Eric Holder has always been known as an incompetent liberal ideologue that’s pushing a radical agenda at the Department of Justice (DOJ). Most of his pursuits at the DOJ have been of an activist nature, such as not charging the New Black Panther Party with voter intimidation and suing states that try to limit voter fraud. New evidence has been discovered that reveals Holder participated in an ‘armed’ takeover of a former Columbia University ROTC office.
"Eric Holder is a radical. He and his former law firm has defended terrorists; his primary objective is to be a liberal activist, while punishing those who are against him. The DOJ has been polluted under his tenure. But it doesn’t stop there.
"The Daily Caller dug up some frightening information about Holder’s past as a black radical in college. It’s clear that he had a similar experience to Barack Obama, growing up with disdain for America." . . .

Investor's Business Daily: Holder Cut Left-Wing Groups In On $17 Bil BofA Deal  "Extortion: Radical Democrat activist groups stand to collect millions from Attorney General Eric Holder's record $17 billion deal to settle alleged mortgage abuse charges against Bank of America.
"Buried in the fine print of the deal, which includes $7 billion in soft-dollar consumer relief, are a raft of political payoffs to Obama constituency groups. In effect, the government has ordered the nation's largest bank to create a massive slush fund for Democrat special interests." . . .

And on the Starbucks issue, Former Attorney General Eric ‘Fast and Furious’ Holder will also be working with Starbucks to train employees
Starbucks previously pledged to hire Muslim ‘refugees’ over American veterans sparking a boycott. Now they’re calling in Eric Holder and a far left hate group such as the ADL to train employees to be anti-white anti-bias. (Gateway Pundit) . . .
(This should be a money maker for Holder; Starbucks has become so silly that even black celebrities make fun of them)

The notion of Eric Holder as a presidential candidate in 2020 might seem rather laughable at first" . . .
Summary: Former attorney general Eric Holder is riddled with scandal from the Obama administration, but that won’t stop him from pushing a far-left agenda—and possibly even a presidential run in 2020. Holder has his fingers in the upcoming congressional redistricting pie, and if he has his way, he’ll replace what he considers to be fake Republican “gerrymandering” with real Democratic gerrymandering – with disastrous results.
I'd say California is the liberal standard and more regimes of Obamoids like Holder or Kamala Harris will have a good chance of making America California.

. . . “California is in so many ways a trendsetter, whether it is in pop culture or in politics,” Holder said in June about the state’s sanctuary state bill. “That’s why it was such an attractive possibility for me to go to California and work with the legislators there in crafting their response to the Trump administration—because I think what California does gives courage to other states and other public officials in other parts of the country who might be thinking about principled opposition.” (Washington Free Beacon, July 13, 2017)" . . .

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