Monday, May 7, 2018

Watch out, Mueller, here comes the judge!

Here Comes the Judge  . . . "What a sweet moment it would be were Judge Ellis to throw out the pre-campaign charges against Mr. Manafort. It would be a start in addressing the concerns that Justice Antonin Scalia voiced in his dissent in Morrison v. Olson, when he warned about how independent prosecutors could affect the “boldness of the president.” Between North Korea, China, Russia, and Iran, boldness is certainly at a premium. Not only in the presidency but among judges, too."

On 'Russian Collusion,' Trump Will Win...Big Time   . . . "The tipping point is close now.  We will know soon.  My bet is on the latter – mainly because there is zero evidence, not a scintilla of proof that the Trump campaign colluded with Russia or did anything wrong." . . .
I am not saying the left is not leaving a devastating mark on our lives.  It is.  These people have crossed a line of evil, destroying many human beings, institutions, and lots in between. But they will not win this.  They will not triumph.  Here is why. . . .
As The Gateway Pundit previously reported there are at least 15 Democrat attorneys on the Mueller team.  "There are NO REPUBLICANS on the team"
A sample:
Rush Atkinson, an attorney on detail from the Criminal Division’s Fraud Section at the Department of Justice— Donated $200 to Clinton in 2016Peter Carr – DOJ spokesman under Barack Obama. . .
 Time to Shut Mueller Down  "He’s become a threat to national security."
Democrats are a threat to national security.
. . . The president is trying to come up with a policy to deal with Russian and Iranian aggression in Syria and with Turkey’s partnership with both to preserve the Assad regime. He apparently isn’t even thinking about the almost seventeen-year war we’re fighting in Afghanistan or the fact that — as our top general in Europe warned Congress in March — that Russia could outmatch and outgun U.S. and NATO forces if war broke out in Europe.All of that is taking place at the same time Trump is working with South Korean President Moon Jae-in and their respective teams to arrange the coming summit with North Korea’s Kim Jong Un and the release of the American hostages held in North Korea." . . .
Is Robert Mueller Destroying the Democratic Party?  . . . "There's a dawning national consensus of "enough already" reflected by Judge Elliswhen he demanded to know exactly what Paul Manafort's possible money laundering schemes of years ago had to do with Trump colluding with Russia in the 2016 election. The same might be said of Stormy Daniels, whose Russia connection is even more remote." . . .

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