Monday, July 16, 2018

From The Depths Of Hell, Hillary Clinton 2020 Could Be Brewing; Until Then The Whining Will Continue

Trump won more electoral votes and in this case, more states than Hillary. She’s a loser.

Update: But first, did you hear what Hillary said about Brett Kavanaugh? Clinton said that Brett Kavanaugh Will Bring Back Slavery

 Matt Vespa  "Whether Democrats realize it or not, the names being tossed as potential 2020 challengers to President Trump are weak. It’s milquetoast. All far too left for the American voter, and all with rigid regional appeal. Who knows who Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ) is outside of New Jersey? The same could be said for Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY). Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s (D-MA) doesn’t resonate outside of the Boston suburbs. And Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA), well, she’s working hard to boost her profile, but she’s running aground with the Bernie crowd. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) could run again, but his age—and the fact that the DNC will only allow Democrats to run for their nomination, could put Feel The Bern 2.0 in limbo. So, what else can Democrats do, but accept the third presidential run of Hillary Rodham Clinton. Why is she still around? Why doesn’t she shut up? Can we move on? Nope. There are some rumblings that the former first lady and two-time presidential loser could be staging another go for the White House. Michael Goodwin had an op-ed that outlined the case, along with the many eye rolls from Democrats had when he mentioned the idea of a rematch (via NY Post): 
Not long ago, I told a group of friends, all liberal Dems, that I believed she was keeping open the possibility of a rematch against Trump, and might already have decided to run. It was unanimous — they were horrified. “I would not give her a single cent,” one man, formerly a big donor to Clinton, said emphatically. Their reasons are no surprise: Her moment has passed, she was a terrible candidate and her endless claims of victimhood are tiring rather than inspiring. It’s time to find new blood. […] Here’s how I believe she sees the playing field, and why she can’t be ignored. . . .
Political Cartoons by Tom Stiglich

"Ever wondered why you can't stand Hillary Clinton?
"It's not just her leftwing ideas.
"It's because she manages, always, without fail, in her speeches to be hackneyed, grating and whining, too. And cripes, she's still a liar. A good demagogue will take grains of truth and then twist them - Hillary is different: A purveyor of straight up 100-proof lies, painting an alternative reality." . . .

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