Friday, September 7, 2018

Kamala Harris’ viral grilling of Kavanaugh ends with a thud

The Democrats conducted a sorry performance this week during the Kavanaugh confirmation hearings.

San Francisco Chronicle  . . . "And so it went for nearly eight minutes, with Harris pressing Kavanaugh and Kavanaugh not offering much in return. He finally said he couldn’t say for sure without a roster of the rm’s lawyers. 

"The exchange had potential for drama because Mueller may subpoena Trump to testify in his probe, something that could end up before the Supreme Court. Kavanaugh has resisted efforts to get him to say whether a president should have to comply with a criminal subpoena, arguing he can’t commit to a position on any issue that could come before the court. 

"Harris didn’t actually produce evidence that Kavanaugh had, in fact, spoken with anyone at Kasowitz’s rm about the Mueller probe. But videos capturing the confirmation hearing exchange were soon a mini-viral sensation, as the judge’s opponents hoped that Harris was armed with something that could derail his nomination. "
. . . 
'On Thursday, Kavanaugh and GOP backers on the Judiciary Committee undertook damage control. Given a chance to revisit the issue by Utah Sens. Orrin Hatch and Mike Lee, the nominee said, “I haven’t had any inappropriate conversations about that investigation with anyone. I’ve never given anyone any hints, forecasts, previews, winks — nothing about my view as a judge or how I would rule as a judge, on that or anything related to that.” 

"When her turn came Thursday, it turned out Harris didn’t have the goods after all. After another couple of courtroom-style go-rounds between veteran lawyers, Kavanaugh issued a flat-out “no” to Harris’ yes-or-no question

"And that was it. Harris said she was just asking a question based on what she termed “reliable” information that Kavanaugh had talked with someone at the Trump-linked law rm. She did not identify her source or give any details of the tip. 

“ 'It wasn’t a trick question,” Harris spokeswoman Lily Adams said. “His answer (Wednesday) night was entirely unclear, and it raised concerns by many people about whether this had happened.” 

"Adams said Harris does not plan on doing anything more with the information she said she received from her source."

The innuendo will be sufficient for talking points on CNN and NBC panels. Kinda like Harry Reid claiming Mitt Romney hadn't paid his taxes in ten years.

After being asked [by Harris] about Bob Mueller Kavanaugh replied, “You ask if I ever had a discussion about Bob Mueller, I used to work in the administration with Bob Mueller.”  

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