Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Nathan Phillips’ DD-214 RELEASED – And Shows He’s Not Quite What He Claims

Two CNN anchors, Saint Jake Tapper and Don Lemon have tweeted out the Reason article. This is pretty significant as neither are noted for bucking the latest media narrative if it hurts a group they oppose.  (From RedState)
RedState  "While many mainstream news outlets have been pathologically fixed on researching everything having to do with Covington Catholic High School and The Covington Kids, precious few (I’d wager none) have devoted any resources to researching anything regarding Nathan Phillips’ military service or anything else about him. On Monday Streiff reported that it was mathematically impossible that Phillips served in the Vietnam war, but Phillips’ DD-214 wasn’t publicly available.

Late Tuesday, that changed. Retired Navy SEAL Don Shipley shared Nathan Phillips’ (a/k/a Nathan Stanard) DD-214, which he’d acquired through a FOIA request. Shipley discusses its contents in this video (includes CNN footage Video. Language advisory).

. . . ", I’m not the military expert that Streiff is, but during my years living near Fort Bragg and Camp Lejeune I came in contact with quite a few soldiers and Marines. My understanding is that it takes a special talent – of the “I don’t really want to do any work” type – to not promote beyond private in four years. (I’m sure I will be corrected in the comments if my take is incorrect.)
"Also, his duty status lists “discharged,” not “honorably discharged.” That could have to do with his multiple stints in confinement after being AWOL." . . .

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