Saturday, February 2, 2019

The press does not inform; it caters to it's readership's likes

Where is the truth?

"NewsGuard, the news-filtering browser extension recently partnered with Microsoft and run by neoconservatives, Obama-Clinton alumni, and other assorted Trump haters, has advised advertisers to withdraw their business from websites on its blacklist of “unreliable” news websites — a list that includes Breitbart News, The Drudge Report, and the Daily Mail." . . .

Mis-Covering the Covington Kids: The Eight Worst Media Reactions "It used to be that journalists didn’t need fire safety seminars to know they could get burned publishing stories that lacked facts or context. But when the original, deceptively edited video of Nathan Phillips and the Covington kids emerged, the press swaddled itself in oily rags, grabbed a Zippo and went full “Johnny Human Torch' .”. . .
. . . "Here are eight of the worst instances of the media’s fake news war against the Covington Kids." . . .  Full article.

The target audience for CNN:  Dumb and Dumber's Jim Carrey has bought into the press coverage. From his Twitter page:

CNN's "Anderson Cooper 360°" falsely claims that Virginia Democrat Governor Ralph Northam is a member of the Republican

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