Saturday, March 9, 2019

Linda Sarsour Explains How She Influenced Democratic Leadership To Scrap Original Anti-Semitism Resolution

Daily Caller  . . . "The Women’s March co-founder attacked House Speaker Nancy Pelosi last Tuesday for initially allowing the anti-Semitism resolution, saying in a Facebook post, “Nancy is a typical white feminist upholding the patriarchy doing the dirty work of powerful white men. God forbid the men are upset – no worries, Nancy to the rescue to stroke their egos.”

"Democrats argued with one another last Wednesday over the resolution’s language. Washington Democratic Rep. Pramila Jayapal, the progressive caucus’s leader, did not want Omar’s name in the resolution, while a number of Jewish members reportedly pushed to include it. Ultimately, the resolution omitted Omar’s name.

According to Sarsour on Friday, she and her fellow organizers worked behind the scenes to change the original intent of the non-binding resolution by the end of the week. (RELATED: Democrat Anti-Hate Resolution Passes House)" . . .

Women’s March co-founder Linda Sarsour explained Friday how she and other left-wing organizers influenced the final language of the “anti-hate” resolution that passed the House Thursday night.

A free republic under this Constitutional form of government depends on Western cultural values to function. We see here that in this time, Islamic values go head to head with this Constitution and dominate a government that requires the willing cooperation of  its citizens. Tell me how you disagree with this statement. TD

Linda Sarsour Gives Orders To CAIR Who Then Block Reporter From Questioning Rep. Rashida Tlaib   "Video has surfaced showing Islamic supremacist, anti-Semitic activist Linda Sarsour ordering associates to block a reporter from entering the office of Rep. Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich. 
"Asra Nomani, a journalist and leader in the Muslim Reform Movement, documented her attempt to enter Rep. Tlaib’s office along with others and how she was physically blocked from entering.
. . . 
"Tlaib is very cozy with the Islamist organization. She is a regular at CAIR fundraising events across the country.
"That same day, Sarsour was pictured in front of anti-Semitic Democratic Rep. Ilhan Omar’s office. In the photo, taken by the radical-left, anti-Israel Jewish Voice for Peace group, she is flanked by the Hamas-supporting CAIR officials, Jinan Shbat and Nihad Awad." . . .

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