Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Comrade de Blasio gets a rude reception from 'the people'

Monica Showalter  "Hoping to make a big splash ahead of his hankered-after run for the presidency, things didn't go quite the way New York's socialist mayor thought they would go as he staged a green new deal press conference in the lobby of New York's Trump Tower.
"According to the Associated Press:
NEW YORK (AP) — New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio staged a chaotic news conference in the lobby of Trump Tower on Monday in which he touted a city anti-pollution law, was heckled by President Donald Trump's supporters and said he will announce this week whether he's running for president.
Speaking at a podium steps from the spot where Trump announced his own run in 2015, the Democrat said he had come to warn the president that Trump Organization buildings could face a combined $2.1 million in annual fines by 2030 if they don't comply with a new law requiring skyscraper owners to cut greenhouse gas emissions.
"Problem is, he not only got booed, he got trolled - big time - with camera visuals that showed Trumpsters riding up and down on the escalators behind him, bearing signs calling de Blasio New York's worst-ever mayor . . . 
"Seems the working class masses De Blasio purports to represent had other ideas. No[t] only did De Blasio get booed, he actually got trolled. Look:" . . .
. . . 
"There they are, riding up and down the escalator behind him and his pre-printed Green New Deal placards, with hand printed grassroots signs calling him 'Worst Mayor Ever' and 'Trump 2020' signs, up and down, up and down.
"That's some hella street theater. That's 'seizing the narrative' as Ben Rhodes would say.
"And it couldn't happen to a nicer socialist commissar, a man who has made life for New Yorkers utterly miserable as he caters to socialism's favorite special interests at the expense of the metropolis." . . .

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