Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Does the Left ever defend America from those who hate it?

Does the Left ever defend America from those who hate it?  Does the Left ever condemn the fifty-year feminist jihad against men and boys, which has savaged and destroyed so many tens of millions of lives?  Does the Left champion the vital values of Christianity from those who mock and sneer at it?  Does the Left censure the growing global pox of anti-Semitism? 
Tony Branco
Bruce Walker on "The Left's love of hate".
. . . No, the Left simply tries to caricature anyone and anything that opposes it politically and philosophically as "hate."  Nothing the Left says or does can ever be "hate" even when it manifestly is hate.  So when Obama in the salons of the wealthy refers to those who he wishes to govern as people "bitterly clinging to their guns and religion" or when Hillary calls the hardworking people of Flyover Country "deplorable," that is never seen as hate. 

"Leftists view "hate" as leftists view everything: it must be something "collective" or "social."  So certain people, simply by belonging to a particular race or sex or faith or class, are either official victims or official victimizers, and anyone who challenges that gross lumping together of individuals is targeted by the Left as someone motivated by "hate."
"All collective or social judgments of individuals are wrong.  That talisman that seems at times to mesmerize even otherwise sensible people, "social justice," is among the greatest evils of all.  Nazis, Stalinists, fascists, and every other totalitarian monster of the Left genuflected reverently at the altar of social justice.
"All justice is individual justice, or it is simply injustice.  All responsibility is personal, or it is instead irresponsibility.  Conservatives and other normal people grasp this fact and generally behave accordingly.  We are not conscript masses in some vast rhetorical war, but rather people with minds and hearts and consciences." . . .    

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