Wednesday, May 15, 2019

The Net Grows Tighter: Barr Now Working With CIA, FBI, National Intelligence To Investigate Alleged Surveillance Of Trump Campaign

Daily Wire  "In what could be really bad news for Democrats, according to CNN’s Laura Jarrett, Attorney General William Barr is now drawing the net tighter around those people who may have targeted Donald Trump during the 2016 campaign; he’s working with the CIA, National Intelligence and the FBI to investigate surveillance issues related to the Trump campaign." . . .
An excerpt from Sen. Graham's statement:
. . . We're going to, in a bipartisan way, I hope deal with Russia, but when the Mueller report is put to bed, and it soon will be, this committee is going to look long and hard at how this all started. We're going to look at the FISA warrant process. Did Russia provide Christopher Steele the information about Trump that turned out to be garbage that was used to get a warrant on an American citizen, and if so, how did the system fail? Was there a real effort between Papadopoulos and anybody in Russia to use the Clinton emails stolen by--stole by the Russians, or was that thought planted in his mind? I don't know, but we're going to look. And I can tell you this. If you change the names, you all would want to look, too. Everything I just said, just substitute Clinton for Trump and see what all these people with cameras would be saying out here about this.

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