Tuesday, June 11, 2019

What Saint Augustine Would Have Thought of Joel Osteen

Intellectual Takeout

“ 'This guy is the best thing that has ever happened to Twitter,” ran a text I recently sent to friends. The occasion? A tweet from “St. AugOsteen.”
"Taking quotes from famed Prosperity Gospel preacher Joel Osteen and mixing them with those of St. Augustine of Hippo, St. AugOsteen creates some pretty fantastic statements. For the sake of your enjoyment, here are a handful of his lovely tweets:" . . .
. . . 
"But most significantly, Augustine’s theology, understanding of self, and view of the world centered around God. He famously wrote, “[God] hast made us for [Himself] and our hearts are restless until they rest in [Him].”
"Joel Osteen, on the other hand, has an arguably human-centered approach to theology, urging people to “speak the miracle” in their own lives and take hold of their “best life now.' ” . . .

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