Sunday, July 7, 2019

Hey CNN: The Latest Economic Numbers Are Pure Fire … Is That News?

Clash Daily  . . . "And what other economic news can we report?
"Here’s how ‘Investopedia’ is describing it:
Perhaps the most exciting aspect of this chart is how bullish every sector has been during June and early July. The stock market is gaining bullish momentum. This tells me that – unless we see some surprisingly negative news during the upcoming earnings season – the uptrend on Wall Street is going to continue during Q3.
Both the S&P 500 and the Dow Jones Industrial Average came into the Independence Day holiday at their highest levels ever. The S&P 500 is currently sitting at 2,995.82, and the Dow is sitting at 26,966.
"But of course — the Democrats are fighting over who can hit the brakes on the very policies that unleashed the roaring engine of the US Economy in the first place — cutting taxes and red tape and getting big government the hell out of the way of those who actually produce the wealth in this great nation.
"So… are we to believe then, that this robust economy we are all looking at is a PROBLEM that needs to be solved?
"The party that swung so far left they’re leaving Obama behind may not have a ‘magic wand’ to breathe LIFE into an economy…
"… but they’ve more than proven they know where the brake pedal is." . . .

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