Sunday, July 7, 2019

Kamala Harris may live to regret exposing her ruthlessness with bogus busing attack on Biden

Thomas Lifson  "Kamala Harris is scary in her pathological ambition, moral flexibility, comfort with deception, and sheer ruthlessness.  She may have erred in prematurely exposing those traits in the very first round of Democrat presidential debates, allowing her competitors to recognize the threat she poses to all of them and to formulate appropriate countermeasures."  . . .

"The Democrats' presidential field can be likened to 20-some scorpions in a bottle.  Kamala was the first among them to sting, attacking Joe Biden for a purported flaw that even his worst enemies concede is bogus: racism. By starting her attack with the classic "I do not believe you are a racist..." trick, she placed "racism" squarely in focus as the topic of her words that followed.  She then began offering the obviously well planned rhetoric about school busing — obvious because her campaign had already prepared merchandise with the little girl picture of her — that placed Biden in league with arch-segregationist senators, whose membership in the Democratic Party went unnoted." . . .

As the group she declared support for would chant, "What do we want? DEAD COPS! When do we want 'em? NOW!"

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