Friday, August 2, 2019

Good heavens, Baltimore!

Democrat Indifference to Baltimore's Inner-City Decline Harms Minorities
President Trump was correct to shine the national spotlight on Baltimore's woes, as decades of indifference and bad policy have proven ineffective in combating serious problems that must be addressed.  It is high time for Democrats to choose to shun indifference and failed policy rather than to shun President Trump and Republicans.  This can be a game-changer, benefiting disadvantaged Americans of all backgrounds and all political persuasions, and can deliver the salvation and freedom desperately desired and all too long denied.
Baltimore's Battered Face  . . . "You can’t blame this on President Trump. He is guilty of the sin of unvarnished observation, but responsibility for this lies with Democrats who have controlled Baltimore city for decades. The last Republican mayor in Baltimore city was Theodore McKeldin, who served when Lyndon Johnson was president. More than 50 years of liberal tyranny and oppression has successfully brought about a twisted dystopian reality in Baltimore and the world’s eyes are now on us. But it’s not because of President Trump; it’s because a half-century of liberal neglect gave the world something to look at, and it’s not pretty."  

Four fans unveil 'Trump 2020' banner at Baltimore Orioles game before security EJECTS them as angry spectators chant 'take it down!'

Baltimore’s Homicide Rate Is So High, Residents Could Claim U.S. Asylum If They Weren’t Americans
"People have long misunderstood and misrepresented Baltimore, my cherished hometown, but much of what President Donald Trump said this past weekend about Charm City was right on the nose. The president categorized Baltimore as a “disgusting, rat and rodent infested mess,” which sparked ire among his always-vocal choir of critics but offered no untrue information." . . .

Democrats Don't Care About Baltimore  
. . . "Meanwhile, Baltimore -- the actual city, not the metaphor -- could desperately use some attention. If anything, Trump's tweets underplayed the crisis. Last year, the city recorded 309 homicides, a rate of more than 50 per 100,000 people. If Baltimore were a country, it would have the fourth-highest murder rate in the world, barely below Venezuela." . . .

Baltimore: Charm City Gone Terribly Wrong "Democrats and fake news media repeatedly use their tactic of shouting “racist” at anyone who dares to tell the truth about their failed exploitative policies.  Bill O’Reilly was ripped to shreds by leftists for his compassionate talking points memo in which he addressed issues plaguing black America: fatherless households, black-on-black crime, and more.  Leftists’ response was, how dare O’Reilly, a white guy, lecture blacks?  Folks, everything O’Reilly courageously said was 100% true.
"If Democrats were truly the advocates for blacks they claim to be, they would encourage blacks to assume responsibility for their lives.  Every issue plaguing blacks can and must be corrected by blacks." . . ,

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