Friday, August 2, 2019

Obama: good guy or bad guy?

Legal Insurrection: Establishment Democrats and Liberal Media Upset by Obama Bashing at Democrat Debates
"Wednesday’s debate was striking in the amount of time the candidates spent fighting not only with each other, but going after Obama’s record. At many times, it seemed like Biden was the only person who was standing up for the former president.
"This did not go unnoticed by other prominent Democrats.
"Alexander Bolton writes at The Hill:
Democrats express alarm over debate’s negative tone
Democratic lawmakers were left shaken and worried by Wednesday night’s bruising presidential debate, which left some fearing the fight will hurt the party and result in a damaged nominee.
Senate Democrats are frustrated that candidates are spending too much time and effort attacking each other for relatively small policy differences, while not focusing their ire on President Trump.
They worry the intraparty food fight is overshadowing what they see as the main goal: Drawing a clear contrast between the Democratic candidates and Trump on health care and other key issues.
Another scary statement in this piece:4321`“I’m of the view that we have always been a party of ideas,” said Sen. Dianne Feinstein (Calif.). “I think everybody should sort of consider that.”
When Democrats rule this nation, I wake up every morning, wondering what ideas they have in store for us today. TD

Michael Moore: Only Michelle Obama can save us from 4 more years of Trump
Mr. Big would know; he carries a lot of weight around Hollywood.
We predicted that as the Democrat presidential field looked likely to yield a sure loss to Trump, Democrats would turn their lonely eyes to Michelle Obama, possibly as late as the convention if it looked like a Bernie win.
Lackluster presidential field causing desperate Dems to turn to hopes of Michelle Obama running  . . . "People who know her aver that Mrs. Obama is not interested in the presidency, that she enjoys her life of luxury and leisure, and would rather not run.  I've never met the woman, but she does not seem like Hillary Clinton in a lust for power.  She just said she has "zero interest" in running.
"On the other hand, she continues to share her home with Valerie Jarrett, who introduced her to her husband, who ran things while Barack was watching sports on TV, shooting hoops, and hitting golf balls, who most certainly is interested in political power."
I still consider this scenario unlikely.  Everything I have learned about it suggests that running a presidential campaign is trying and exhausting.  You have to really, really want to be president to put up with it.  And I sense that Mrs. Obama already resents what she had to put up with for her husband to become POTUS.  Can you imagine her campaigning with her heart full of resentment?

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