Thursday, September 5, 2019

CNN Keeps Pro-Trump Latino Off Air While Far Left Opinions From Donna Brazile, Shep Smith and Juan Williams All Over FOX News

100PercentFedUp  "The 2020 presidential election is only 14 months away, and the leftist media appears to be to ramping up their efforts to make only anti-Trump messaging available to their audiences. CNN, in particular, appears to be sending a message to guests who partake in their panel discussions—if you support President Trump, or even hint that you agree with anything he says or does…you’re no longer welcome on the low-ratings cable news network.
"Meanwhile, the new FOX News can’t seem to get enough opinions from Trump-hating hosts like Shep Smith, Neil Cavuto, Juan Williams and debate cheating queen, Donna Brazile.
"Less than two years ago, Fox News’ Tucker Carlson trashed the former interim DNC Chair Donna Brazile for giving Hillary Clinton the debate questions while she was employed by CNN. Now, Brazile is a regular host on FOX News, where she regularly spews anti-Trump on “The Five” as a guest co-host."

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People who work at CNN allegedly told Cortes that the network did not want to have him on air anymore because they could not have a Latino Trump supporter on television pushing back against the network’s attempts to paint the president as a racist.
"Three weeks ago, Cortes hosted a Prager University video where he debunked the lie that Trump was praising White Nationalists in the aftermath of the Charlottesville riots. So far, the video has already been viewed almost 3 million times." 

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