Monday, December 16, 2019

Adam Schiff: the Greta Thunberg of Congress

Schiff town hall meeting in his district erupts in catcalls and chaos  "Adam Schiff walked into a buzz saw at a town hall meeting back in his district in Glendale, California, as blowback erupted for his lies and grandstanding advancing impeachment.
" 'While as a general rule, I deplore the loss of civility as the country polarizes, we have long passed the point where simply behaving ourselves and calling out the other side for its sins has any positive effect.  #Resistance goes both ways beyond a certain point, and that point is now in the rearview mirror.
" 'I think this is the future for Schiff and his co-conspirators:" . . .
WATCH: Chaos Erupts When Constituents Confront Schiff Over Impeachment During a Town Hall  . . . Multiple people sat in the front of the audience with signs that read "Don't Impeach." 
"In a video, audience members in the back of the crowd yelled "liar!" One man said Schiff would be known for "committing treason," a clear reference to Schiff spearheading the impeachment of the president. 
"Those who were Schiff supporters quickly surrounded those who backed President Trump and chanted "Adam! Adam! Adam!"
"As Trump supporters tried exiting the venue, they were pushed and shoved and told to "leave" or "get out." One of the men held up a "re-elect Trump" flag, at which point Schiff supporters attempted to rip the flag out of his hands." . . .
Shameless Schiff goes Sgt. Schultz   . . . "Appearing on the Sunday morning talk shows, he fell back on the Sgt Schultz defense – that he just didn’t know the facts, but with no apology for acting on false information.  That is total BS, as Steve Scalise pointed out on Twitter:" 
Steve Scalise tweeted:
. was right from the start: bad actors at the FBI abused FISA to spy on 's campaign.Schiff had the SAME info as Nunes, yet wrote a false report he still won't fully admit was a fraud.And he's the guy Dems trust to run impeachment? Give me a break.
 Comey and Schiff: Tweedle-dee-Dum and Tweedle-dee-Dee  . . . "The most damning omission from Wallace's interview was not pressing Schiff hard enough about the Nunes Memo of February 2018  in which Nunes laid out everything he had learned to date about the FBI's gross abuse of the FISA courts.  Schiff promptly released his own memo disavowing the facts in the Nunes memo.  Now we know that everything Nunes wrote was true and that Schiff's memo was, as Mollie Hemingway wrote, riddled with lies." . . .
Nunes tells Schiff he needs 'rehabilitation' after IG report: 'Admit you have a problem'

Adam Schiff is Shameless   . . . "Schiff is such a stone-cold partisan that he can’t even put aside his quest for power to care about protecting his grandchildren from anti-Semitism. That is shameful and I’d love to see him try and explain it to his grandkids.
"Schiff, Pelosi, and the rest of the Democrats leading this grossly partisan and undemocratic process are hypocritical jerks who prove day after day that all they care about is partisanship and power. The Constitution? Nah. Democracy? Nope. Patriotism? What’s that? The American people? Seriously…?
. . . "But the “Late Show” where Schiff was afforded a platform to call Republicans shameful? That’s a priority during this very serious time in our country’s history? You betcha. And who cares if it costs taxpayer money to transport him here, surround him with security in the form of Secret Service and local police forces.  Certainly not Adam Schiff.  When Schiff looks in the mirror, he sees “shameful” staring back at him. He’s just too stupid and shameless to know it."
Adam Schiff to Colbert: How Will ‘Shameful’ Republicans Explain Defending Trump to Their Grandchildren
 (Colbert also seems to have an obsession over the penises of world leaders.)   . . . “'For some of our members, who are defending the Constitution, it is their finest hour,” Adam Schiff told Colbert. “But for others, who are willfully blinding themselves to this president’s misconduct, it is the most shameful hour.' ” . . .

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