Monday, December 16, 2019

The climate change debate: liberalism's effect on informed discourse.

The "press" does to climate change skeptics what they continue do to President Trump  All the so-called climate fears have been promulgated by those same people. If we become convinced as to the declared cause of climate change, the immense cost will have to be taught by those more trusted than those we see attempting it daily. TD

The debate: my presentation by Judith Curry

. . . "Here's the spat update from the German train company, which got mad at its portrayal as a moving hellhole:
"A German railway company has taken back an apology they made to Greta Thunberg after they realized the climate activist wasn’t schlepping it on the train’s floor but instead was treated “friendly” in first class.
"The rail company was responding to an image Thunberg tweeted of herself sitting amid bags and suitcases on the floor of what she called “overcrowded trains through Germany' ” . . .
The debate: my presentation, by Judith Curry

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