Wednesday, December 11, 2019

How Joe Biden Gets Away With Calling A Voter A Fat, Dumb, Liar

In contrast to the way Trump’s insults are treated, it’s otherwise hard to explain how Biden gets a pass on calling a reasonable Iowa voter a fat, unintelligent, liar.
Trump insults a lot of people, and D.C. elites are horrified. But Biden can call an Iowa voter who asked a reasonable question about corruption fat and tell him Biden has a 'much higher IQ.'  "Everyone was buzzing last week about Joe Biden’s confrontation with a voter in Iowa who had the temerity to ask about son Hunter’s extremely lucrative job on the board of Ukrainian gas company Burisma—a job Hunter Biden received one month after his father was named the Obama administration’s “point person” on Ukraine.
"Biden, obviously, did not take well to the suggestion he had enabled corruption by his son. As a general rule, I’d like to see more bare-knuckles between politicians and voters in campaign settings, but the real revelation here is that Joe Biden is totally, utterly unprepared to answer obvious difficult questions he’s going to have to answer in a presidential campaign.
"Biden’s latest excuse is blaming his aides for not warning him that his son’s Burisma job was a problem, even though at least one aide says he raised the issue with him directly. Plus, calling an ordinary voter a “damn liar” and other ad hominem insults for raising the very real issue of his son’s corruption is… something.
"Yet much of the political Twitterati responded with praise because Biden was “feisty.” In fact, here’s how CNN National Political Reporter Maeve Reston covered the exchange:" . . .
On CNN, Trump's "insulting demeanor" was Biden's "human moment". . . .

"It’s true that it only takes two clowns to make a circus."

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