Wednesday, December 11, 2019

‘Sportsperson of the Year’ Megan Rapinoe slams Sports Illustrated

“Love more, hate less?” Rapinoe might as well have told us to eat more spinach and less pizza. Is there anything more abrasive than being told you’re a hater? Can you imagine Manning or Jordan lecturing us like this? Nor would Manning or Jordan pop up on a show as divisive as Rachel Maddow’s, as Rapinoe did, where she said “I try to … keep myself woke.”

NY Post  . . . "In 2016, Rapinoe generated controversy for kneeling in support of the Black Lives Matter protest movement started in the NFL by then-quarterback Colin Kaepernick. This year, she feuded with President Trump and said she would not go to the White House if the team won the Cup leading up to their big win.
"Trump blasted Rapinoe on Twitter — and ultimately did not invite the team to the White House after the Americans bested the Netherlands 2-0 in the final.
"For good measure, Rapinoe then blasted FIFA, soccer’s governing body, for failing to offer women athletes the same pay as men, despite the American women’s winning track record." . . .

"World Cup soccer champion Megan Rapinoe is milking her "victimhood" in the wake of her World Cup win. "Arrogant, abrasive, sanctimonious, whiny, humorless, unpatriotic, self-important and immensely boring, Megan Rapinoe has made the least of her sudden ascent to fame as the captain of the World Cup-winning US women’s soccer team. With unprecedented alacrity, she has become America’s anti-sweetheart.
"Instead of coming across as delighted about the team’s championship run, and humbled by all of the support, Rapinoe cast herself as a foe of President Trump, first aggressively, then passive-aggressively. Trump, like everybody else, had probably never heard of her until last month, when she told an obscure magazine called Eight by Eight, “I’m not going to the f–king White House” . . .

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