Monday, January 27, 2020

Is the Bolton book bombshell a boom or a bust?

Ian Macfarlane
Rep. Meadows Says NYT Bolton Leak Was 'Coordinated' in Order to 'Change the Narrative'  . . . "Meadows is one of the president's staunchest allies in Congress, and on Monday he took a few shots at the suspicious timing of all of this, both on social media and directly to the press. Meadows rallied the Trump faithful with this exhortation: "Don’t buy the spin. Don’t buy the misinformed leaks. Don’t buy the predetermined narrative.' "
. . . "Later, during a press conference after the trial proceedings in the Senate had wrapped for the day, Meadows said, "This leak was designed for one purpose and one purpose only, and that was to try to manipulate the thinking of my Republican colleagues in the Senate to encourage them to open it up and provide for more witnesses...." and then went on to talk about the recent history of Democrats leaking to the press. Meadows added, "My hypothesis is that this is part of a coordinated leak in order to change the narrative.' "

Where the Moderate Senators Stand on Bolton Testimony After the Book Leak
"The Senate needs to make a decision on whether or not former national security adviser John Bolton should testify in the impeachment trial against President Trump. In his new book, Bolton reportedly claims that Trump did tie the withholding of military aid to Ukraine to an investigation of the Bidens. The book leak has especially alarmed some of the more moderate Republican jurors." . . .

Georgia Senator Kelly Loeffler Goes Off On Romney For Being Open To Witnesses, Says He ‘Wants To Appease The Left’  "Georgia Republican Senator Kelly Loeffler took to Twitter on Monday to criticize Utah Republican Senator Mitt Romney’s recent comments on the impeachment trial in which he expressed that he’s open to calling Bolton to testify in front of the Senate.
"Loeffler sounded off on Romney, saying that he “wants to appease the left by calling witnesses,” while adding,”The circus is over. It’s time to move on!' ” . . .

Having read the report, Sen. Mitt Romney (R-UT) believes that the jurors should be given the chance to hear from Bolton himself.   . . . "Before she was sworn in to the Senate, President Trump shared his concerns about Loeffler and reportedly wanted Rep. Doug Collins to fill the vacant seat instead. Yet, Loeffler has been squarely on the president's side during the trial, telling the Democrats last week that they already lost their case in the House." . . .

Wonder How the NYT Got the Leak From Bolton's Unpublished Book? Look Who's Reportedly Vetting It.  . . . "But now a Breitbart News report may shed some light on where the leak from the unpublished book came from.
"A source in the White House told Breitbart that Lt. Colonel Yevgeny Vindman is a senior ethics lawyer who vets materials for classified information, such as books and articles, before they're allowed to be published. Breitbart reports that Vindman vetted Bolton's book in December."
"Vindman ... Vindman... why does that name seem so familiar?
"The last time you heard of a guy named Vindman he was testifying against the president of the United States at the House impeachment inquiry. His beef? He didn't like President Trump's Ukraine policy." . . .

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