Friday, January 10, 2020

The Democrat-CNN/MSNBC alliance: a great threat to this country

I feel our main threat is the Ayatollahs-Democrats-CNN/MSNBC alliance that makes such a perfect home for Trump-Haters who are made more vindictive by the Presidents taunts. TD

Photosnark by Rich Terrell

Killing terrorists is how you...kill off terrorism   . . . "Thank goodness we have a president who understands that the way to reduce terrorism is to cut off the funding and take out the terrorists themselves instead of leave them to maim and kill at will, including Americans. 

"Most of the media make the world much more dangerous as they cheer for whatever Democrats say and seek to destroy Trump no matter how much good he does to strengthen and protect Americans." . .
Democrats implicitly are advising tyrants to give terrorists an official title so they will be protected from harm  . . . "Then they can roam the world, working with other terrorist groups to plan and execute attacks.  If a leader of any country decides that these terrorists should be killed, he will be said to have escalated tensions by assassinating a government official.  If that sounds stupid, it is." . . .
Most of the media make the world much more dangerous as they cheer for whatever Democrats say and do and seek to destroy Trump, no matter how much good he does to strengthen and protect Americans.

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