Monday, February 10, 2020

CPAC Chairman Says He Couldn’t Guarantee Romney’s ‘Physical Safety’ at Conference

National Review  . . . This year, I would actually be afraid for his physical safety, people are so mad at him,” CPAC chairman Matt Schlapp told Greta Van Susteren on Fox News’s Full Court Press.
"Romney, a Utah Republican, angered members of his party earlier this month when he became the sole Republican to vote to convict President Trump in his impeachment trial.
"“We won’t credential him as a conservative,” Schlapp said Sunday of Romney’s potential presence at CPAC. “I suppose if he wants to come as a non-conservative and debate an issue with us, maybe in the future we would have him come.”
"For some critics, Schlapp’s remarks edged too close to a threat.
“I have not met a more honorable person than Mitt Romney,” said Senator Joe Manchin, one of the Senate’s most moderate Democrats. “It’s hard to believe that we have stooped this low.” 
. . . The newfound distaste of many conservatives and Republicans for Romney is a far cry from just eight years ago when the party elected him as its standard-bearer to take on President Barack Obama in the presidential election."Romney said his vote in favor of removing Trump from office was based on his integrity and his faith." . . .
 Lets test this man's 'Faith" and integrity with these flip-flops recorded by Politifact
"On abortion -- Full Flop. From "I believe that abortion should be safe and legal in this country" to "I am firmly pro-life."
"On signing a no-tax pledge -- Full Flop. As a gubernatorial candidate in Massachusetts, he refused to sign a pledge that he would not seek tax increases. As a presidential candidate, he signed it.
"On support for Ronald Reagan's policies -- Full Flop. As a Senate candidate in Massachusetts, he distanced himself from Reagan. As a presidential candidate, he's
embraced the Gipper.
"On whether humans contribute to global warming -- Half Flip. He said be believed humans contribute to climate change, but then hedged.
"On gun policy -- Half Flip. Romney’s downplayed his signing of an assault weapons ban as governor in 2004, but it’s not clear that his policies have shifted as much as his rhetoric has.
"On the economic stimulus -- Half Flip. Romney supported having a stimulus, but criticized the specific program Obama and congressional Democrats enacted.
"On the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) -- No Flip. Romney’s view has been consistent -- TARP was necessary, but some of its operational aspects were bungled.
"On support for gay marriage -- No Flip. Romney expressed some relatively liberal positions on gay rights while campaigning for senator in 1994, but he never went as far as backing same-sex marriage."  . . .

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