Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Two Kinds of Pro-Choice Advocates

Mike Adams

"I remember once when I was a teenager asking my father “What time is it?” He responded by saying, “There are two kinds of people in this world – those who ask what time it is, and those who wear watches.” I could not resist the temptation to respond by saying, “No, the two kinds of people are those who oversimplify the world by breaking it into dichotomies, and those who don’t.” Of course, he didn’t think that was funny. And now I regret saying it because sometimes things do break down into simple dichotomies. One example is support for elective abortion. As complicated as the issue may seem, there are only two types of people in the pro-choice category: science deniers, and opponents of human equality.

"The reason we can break pro-choice advocates into this simple dichotomy is because the pro-life position is really predicated on the veracity of two premises contained in a simple syllogism. This syllogism forces the pro-choice advocate into one of two categories by forcing him to attack either the first or the second premise. For those unfamiliar with the syllogism, which has been popularized by the world’s greatest pro-life apologist Scott Klusendorf (see, here it is in all of its brilliant simplicity:  . . ."
Full article..

The author: 
. . . "Dr. Adams' third book, Letters to a Young Progressive, was published in April of 2013. In 2014, Adams v. UNCW finally went to trial to determine whether the university violated the First Amendment in 2006 by denying his promotion to full professor in retaliation for his speeches and columns on He was represented at trial by David French of the ACLJ and Travis Barham of ADF. On March 20th, the federal jury ruled in Adams favor. On April 8th, the court ordered UNCW to promote Adams and give him seven years back pay. He spent most of the money on guns made by Browning, guitars made by Fender, and amps made by Mesa Boogie.

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