Tuesday, September 1, 2020

At which point do we declare all this a civil war?

 However, if voters sense that the tide is turning, more will speak up.  After all, we all know the Spartacus promise that, if one or two or three show moral courage, others will follow: A.W.
Rasmussen Reports noticed something very fishy about polling  . . . "Rasmussen has highlighted the fact that the left has weaponized polling.  It frames questions and weights its polls to energize Democrats and demoralize Republicans.  People like a winner, and the left-leaning polling companies know that if a candidate appears to be winning, he will automatically attract more voters.
 "One of the most famous clues in a Sherlock Holmes mystery is what's commonly referred to as "the dog that didn't bark," or, as Holmes actually said, "the dog did nothing in the night-time."  Rasmussen Reports, which puts out a Daily Presidential Tracking Poll like clockwork, noticed that its competitors ceased barking (or, if you prefer, polling) after the two parties held their conventions.  According to Rasmussen, which would know, this silence was unprecedented.
"Rasmussen published a series of tweets on Monday openly snarking at its competitors for their silence.  Moreover, whoever is writing Rasmussen's tweets was not shy about identifying a reason for the other polling outfits' unusual reticence: the narrative up until the conventions was that Biden was unstoppable; it's now quite possible that he's been stopped." . . .

The dangers in declaring support for Donald Trump  . . . "What’s more, at least one national study leads one to conclude that current polls may be seriously understating Mr. Trump’s actual support and explain why our dinner companions weren’t ready to say they might be considering voting differently in November. Many analysts suspected in the wake of the 2016 election that some Trump supporters weren’t being honest with pollsters. Political scientists studying this possibility referred to them as “shy voters” because many of them weren’t willing to let pollsters know they intended to cast a politically incorrect vote for Mr. Trump."

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