Tuesday, September 1, 2020

You Cannot Make This UP: DC Wants to Remove...the Washington Monument

Not, repeat NOT from the Babylon Bee. If Democrats gain the government's control, expect this. A vote for Biden Harris is a vote to erase America's historical displays.


"I know we’re all talking about Joe Biden’s speech in Pittsburgh, which once again showed that his mind has devolved into applesauce, along with the leftist riots that continue to engulf the nation, but we have new political correctness news. Apparently, a DC committee convened by Mayor Muriel Bowser has recommended that the Washington Monument, among other federal memorials in the city, should be marked for removal, relocation, or contextualization. No, you cannot make this up (via WaPo):
A committee reporting to D.C. Mayor Muriel E. Bowser recommends renaming dozens of public schools, parks and government buildings in the nation’s capital, after studying the historical namesakes’ connections to slavery and oppression.
The honorees whom the committee says should not have public works named for them include presidents Thomas Jefferson, James Monroe, Andrew Jackson, William Henry Harrison, John Tyler, Zachary Taylor and Woodrow Wilson; Revolutionary leader Benjamin Franklin; inventor Alexander Graham Bell; and national anthem writer Francis Scott Key.
“We believe strongly that all District of Columbia owned public spaces, facilities and commemorative works should only honor those individuals who exemplified those values such as equity, opportunity and diversity that DC residents hold dear,” the committee’s chairs, Bowser advisor Beverly Perry and public library director Richard Reyes-Gavilan, wrote in a letter introducing their report.

The Federalist: Democrat Mayor’s Committee Proposes Removing Or Shaming Washington DC Memorials

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