Sunday, October 11, 2020

Biden / Harris Hold Campaign Event In AZ NOBODY Showed Up

 FidoSysop Blog   Joe Biden and Kamala Harris held this campaign event in Arizona today and not a single person showed up. Talk about a big flop! The Biden-Harris campaign is disinformation, censorship by press and social-media, chaos, vote by mail fraud, violence BLM/Antifa, and back-room deals to steal the election. Nobody cares about corrupt Joe Biden and unlikable Kamala Harris! 

"The Last Refuge reports, As you watch this local media report of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris campaigning in Arizona most are focused on the complete absence of any support for the candidates; indeed, that is a rather weird fact. However, additionally watch in the video how the campaign staff has placed markers on the ground as visible cues for Biden, Harris and McCain to walk with social distancing; and pay particular attention to how Biden attempts to navigate his proximity responsibility therein. 
"Apparently this big push using Cindy McCain fell exceptionally flat. No-one cares… but the scale of the campaign being managed by poll-testers and control agents is really something; even beyond what we witnessed in 2016. To the Democrats all they care about is control. "Anyone getting in the way is collateral damage. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are spamming the air-waves with lie after lie – and nobody is calling them out for their blatant dishonesty. "Well I got news for demented and crooked Joe Biden. America is well aware of your do nothing years in congress. Your eight years as Barack Obama’s vice president, that you did not one thing to help American’s better their lives. And Kamala Harris identifying her heritage as Black! Geez according to African Globe, back in 2016 Harris identified herself as an INDIAN. She is conning black voters. Seems Harris is as big a fake as Elizabeth “Pocahontas” Warren!" . . .

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