Monday, October 12, 2020

New cosmetics company 'Biden Beauty' promotes voting for the Democratic candidate

Fox Business

Image by Genghis Gary, who was inspired by the Biden's Beauty cosmetic company.

. . . "With less than a month away from the U.S. presidential election, companies are getting creative in how they encourage American consumers to vote.
"This includes a new fashion and cosmetics brand known as “Biden Beauty.”
"The Democrat-leaning company made its social media debut towards the end of September and has been serving as a voter registration resource while encouraging U.S. adults to vote for Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden." . . . . .
"Responses from social media users have alternated between disbelief and seeing value in Biden Beauty’s sense of humor. 
“ 'Beating my face to a bloody pulp with my Joe Biden beauty blender,” wrote one Twitter user by the name of Helen." .. .

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