Tuesday, November 10, 2020

The tide is already turning for President Trump

Image by Andrew Peterson.

However, those election-thief conspirators that took the analog route by corrupting hard-copy ballots, by either throwing away Trump votes and/or adding illegal Biden votes, well, they can become cooperating witnesses. Or else too bad for them because I hope they enjoy their stay at a “Club Fed” and living with a lifelong felony conviction in the thereafter.

The tide is already turning for President Trump  "Attorney General Barr just mobilized the Department of Justice to engage as appropriate to investigate election fraud throughout America. He is on very solid legal grounds.  ​It is a very simple means of addressing the greatest attempted political theft in American history and I would rather be us, Trump Nation, than them, the Democrat party's illegal operatives.

"This is because President Trump and his team laid the legal ground work for identifying and prosecuting such criminal behavior in 2017:

Federal Prosecution of Election Offensives

Eight Edition 2017

“Our constitutional system of representative government only works when the worth of honest ballots is not diluted by invalid ballots procured by corruption.

"The actual fact that AG late last night triggered the use of the DOJ legal handbook bodes very ill for those who are involved in electoral cheating.

"For them, when the men and women in suits arrive on their doorstep to politely inquire "can you explain this," with “this” being one of many the many felonies listed above, the campaign operative is likely to immediately have a life-altering moment. As often is said: you can go easy or you can go hard, but make no mistake, you are going to address your behavior. And as the joke goes, never steal anything small and the Democrat team certainly took that to heart." . . .

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