Thursday, June 24, 2021

Chilling look at our future: Training child revolutionaries who hate the USA*

 Critical Race Theory (CRT) is seeping into government, education, science, corporations, and it includes intersectionality*, another abomination. Also, you can’t just have black or brown skin, you have to think black, which means everything non-white.

No accommodation for Critical Race Theory in our public schools!  "Critical Race Theory (CRT) is an anti-white, anti-American philosophy that has spread like cancer throughout society.  It has made surprising headway in government agencies, the corporate world, and the K–12 public schools — and, of course, the colleges and universities where it originated.  This has happened while most Americans slept.  But as awareness of CRT has grown, so has the resistance to it.". . .  

Best brief explanation of Critical Race Theory (

In September 2020, Ray Sanchez, a faculty coordinator for Madera College, put up a good summary of Critical Race Theory, which grew out of Critical Theory. We wanted to share it with you here from Minding the Campus dot org.

 "Critical Race Theory is a worldview that interprets everything through the lens of social and political power dynamics.  It is an all-encompassing vision that views all cultural, political, and social institutions as oppressive and requires explicit and continuous anti-racism “work” to mete out its vision for a liberated humanity.

It is a race-focused ideology which necessitates good works—a faith plus works if you will, and the only meritorious work is anti-racist work.

In other words, it isn’t just a tool that describes the intersection of power, privilege, race, and racism. It is, at base, an overarching eschatological philosophy that claims that an oppressor group is tyrannizing or minoritizing an oppressed group and explicitly stipulates that “work” is required to change (i.e., deconstruct) society and Western institutions.

[Everything is seen through the prism of race. The group with the power is tyrannizing the group without the power].

"Mr. Sanchez then goes on to explain the essential ingredient of CRT: New Racism. Racism is no longer merely prejudice and discrimination based on race—that is Old Racism. New Racism has two primary components: institutional power and systems of privilege (or disadvantage) based on race.

"The rest is reworded for brevity but you should go back and read the author’s excellent wording and explanation." . . .

*Chilling look at our future: Training child revolutionaries who hate the USA (   . . ."Children are trained in Portland schools to see everything through a prism of race and to become revolutionaries. On a broader scale, this is exactly what Critical Race Theory and the 1619 Project teach children. 1619 alone is now implemented in over 3500 school systems throughout the United States.". . .  

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