Saturday, July 29, 2023

Biden's Inaugural Address was a big, fat lie

  American Thinker   . . ."President Biden pledged "Unity" in his Inaugural address, but see his call immediately following the words "uniting our people": "uniting to fight the common foes we face."  Now, two and a half years after the Biden inauguration, the Biden/Garland persecution by prosecution of former president Donald J. Trump makes it obvious that for the incumbent regime, the major "foe" is political opposition.  Further, an administration that respected diversity of

political viewpoint would not pressure social media platforms to censor conservative opinion under the false label "disinformation."  For the incumbent regime, "disinformation" is the term used to silence dissent.

"For the incumbent regime, a second presidential term for Donald J. Trump is intolerable for fear that it will prove to the American people that the founding concept of liberty is in the best interest of the country, not the repressive totalitarianism that the incumbent regime would impose on the American people.

"A few days following the Biden inaugural, the House of Representatives brought a second impeachment charge against former president Trump.  (How does Congress try to remove from office a president who, days before, peacefully let office?)  Mr. Biden did nothing to stop this bizarre abuse of legislative power.  Nor did he stop Speaker Nancy Pelosi from trashing House rules and due process to create a select House committee consisting of fiercely anti-Trump members.  Nor did Mr. Biden deter his Justice Department (never was it President Trump's Justice Department) from weaponizing its powers to hold perceived political foes for lengthy, intolerable periods of pre-trial detention." . . .

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