Sunday, July 30, 2023

Joe Biden Hit With Ice-Cold Inconvenient Reminder as He Begins 10-Day Vacation –


"As RedState reported earlier, our current Oval Office occupant, Joe Biden, headed out Friday for a 10-day vacation which is like the fourth time in a month where he’s taken time off.

"Prior to that, he spent three weekends starting at the end of June at Camp David (two of which were with his son, Hunter) and another was spent kicking back at Rehoboth Beach, which we were told in so many words by U.S. officials equated to one “full day” of Biden being on “official business.”

"But while such an explanation was an insult to the intelligence of American voters, especially those struggling to make ends meet who don’t have the luxury of being able to allegedly conduct “official business” on the beach, it along with Biden’s well-known penchant for embarrassing gaffes, flubs, sounding non-sensical, and looking lost, out of it, and generally confused has provided Biden, who is 80, with an inescapable issue heading into 2024:

"Growing questions about his age, mental acuity, and physical stamina to hold the nation’s top office for another four years should he be re-elected.

"It’s an ice-cold inconvenient reminder that Biden was hit with right off the bat as he began his latest round of “official (vacation) business,” courtesy of this reminder from RNC Research on a late June poll from NBC News:. . .

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