Sunday, November 26, 2023

Hamas and its supporters around the world are worse than Nazis -

WATCH: Greta Thunberg Takes the Mask Off Fully, as She Chants to 'Crush Zionism' at Disturbing Rally – RedState  "The left has pushed forward Greta Thunberg for years now, to tout their climate change agenda. You weren't allowed to criticize her, according to them, because she was a teen. Yet they still wanted you to accept what this child, who had no scientific background, was saying. And because it was about pushing the agenda wrapped in a package, you weren't supposed to criticize or point out any problems." . . .

Andrea Widburg; American Thinker   "World War II historian Andrew Roberts has a powerful essay making an important point: Hamas is worse than the Nazis because the Nazis still had a sufficient moral compass to be embarrassed by their genocidal crimes, while Hamas and its supporters are loud and proud. And when I say supporters, I don’t just mean the Gazastanians, a huge majority of whom support both Hamas and the massacre of Israelis. I mean their collaborators in the West, too, with the execrable Greta Thunberg as Exhibit A.

"Roberts writes that, while still lacking the wherewithal to kill six million Jews, Hamas and the whole panoply of antisemitic Jihadists are “qualitatively worse than the Nazis in their belief systems, impulses, and instincts.” The reason?

In October 1943 Heinrich Himmler, the head of the SS, delivered a notorious speech to 50 of his senior lieutenants in Posen. “I want to speak frankly to you about an extremely grave matter,” he said. “We can talk about it among ourselves, yet we will never speak of it in public. … I am referring to the evacuation of the Jews, the extermination of the Jewish people. … It is a page of glory in our history that has never been written and is never to be written.”

By total contrast, the Hamas killers 80 years later attached GoPro cameras to their helmets so they could livestream their atrocities over social media. Although the Nazis burnt Jews alive in barns on their retreat in 1945, they did not film themselves doing it. There are plenty of photographs of Nazis standing around death-pits full of Jewish corpses, but these were taken for private delectation rather than public consumption.

"When the Soviets approached Auschwitz, the Nazis did everything they could to hide their crimes, whether it was to empty the camps by taking prisoners on death marches or simply destroying the crematoria, which were the infrastructure of mass murder. Moreover, the reason for the gas chambers was that the ordinary German soldier was sickened by slaughtering civilians en masse, even the Jews he’d been taught to believe were subhuman." . . .

Never forget Hamas and their deeds:  

The Tunnel Wall: How can celebrities and college students not know about this?


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