Sunday, January 28, 2024

Evangelicals Embrace Trump. Joy Reid is livid!

 William Manning   . . ."Rather than portraying evangelicals as racists, Ms. Reid should ask  why conservative Christians vote for Republicans.  Evangelicals have voted for Republicans since 1980, when they deserted Jimmy Carter, a Southern Baptist, to vote for Ronald Reagan.  Conservative Christians have continued to vote for Republicans and have no incentive to switch.

"Democrats believe they are the arbiters of morality and use government agencies to force their reimagined morality on the people.  President Obama believes that evangelicals cling bitterly to their religion.  Hillary Clinton tossed them into her basket of deplorables.  Biden’s DOJ wanted to investigate Catholics who choose to celebrate the old Mass.  The House Judiciary Committee recently disclosed that the Treasury Department warned banks that customers purchasing “religious texts“ might be violent extremists.  Federal investigators then asked the banks to hand over their customer records related to the purchase of Bibles and other “extremist” material.  Since the Feds regulate and control the banks, the records were delivered without a warrant.  Evangelicals view Biden, not Trump, as the threat to democracy.

"At a White House Pride Party last summer, a man calling himself a woman exposed himself on the White House lawn moments after shaking hands with Joe Biden.  Democrats suggest that transgender people use restrooms for the opposite sex.  Public schools have become tools of state indoctrination teaching children that pansexuality is a morally viable lifestyle.  If one doesn’t accept the state’s idolatry of pansexuality, one is accused of bigotry." . .   The bitter woman speaks on MSNBC:

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