Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Fed Up With Anti-Israel Demonstrations On College Campuses? 60% Of All Voters Agree

  I&I/TIPP Poll – Issues & Insights

Mindless, chanting, clueless sheep

. . .“ 'Jewish students across the United States have expressed concern for their safety and suggested school faculty, as well as Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives, are promoting antisemitic viewpoints that ratchet up the political temperature on campus,” according to a Fox News report.

"They’re not alone in believing so.

“DEI, CRT (critical race theory), and other ‘academic acronyms’ typically hinge on this idea of people falling into two categories — either the oppressors or the oppressed,” writes Tom Knighton in his Tilting At Windmills substack column. “This stems from Marxism itself, where Marx wrote of the bourgeoise and the proletariat as essentially the same thing only in terms of class.”

"How serious are the powers that be taking this threat to free speech and academic freedom?

"A number of campuses across the nation have started to dismantle their DEI departments, which many legal scholars believe are little more than tools for discriminating against white, Jewish and Asian students in both college admissions and jobs. Florida Gov. DeSantis has taken the anti-DEI action a step further, banning DEI in all state schools.

"As I&I/TIPP’s poll shows, a backlash has formed against this campus antisemitism that has torn entire learning communities apart, and possibly ruined the future job and career prospects for some of the participants.

"Americans are fed up with it, and overwhelmingly oppose the campus activism supporting it. It doesn’t at all seem unlikely that this is yet another thing that registered voters will have on their minds when they step into the voting booth in November." . . .

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