Friday, June 7, 2024

Biden makes a mess of D-Day commemoration

 Monica Showalter - American Thinker

After that, Jill seemingly whispered something to the out-of-it president trying to sit down, and then slowly escorted him off stage, leaving the president of France to greet the American troops, which he did with grace and elan, looking quite presidential.

"Sure as the sun comes up, Joe Biden is making a mess somewhere.

This time he was doing it with the world watching at the 80th D-Day commemoration, held today in Normandy, France.

In a piece headlined "Awkward Moment," the New York Post writes,

President Biden was spotted awkwardly fumbling for his seat as other dignitaries remained standing during a poignant D-Day commemoration ceremony in France on Thursday." . . .

. . ."In a very public way, it came to show that Joe Biden is fading in his faculties and embarrassing America on the world stage, acting inappropriately at every step. He's been in politics long enough to know that you don't sit down for an occasion like that, nor do you leave your host to do the reception job when you are supposed to be part of it.

"What's that guy doing there? As everyone could see, he needed to be off that stage fast. So it goes with his claim to the presidency, as well. Everything he does makes a mess and in the end, the American people are stuck with cleaning up after him." 

Did some medication make this a different Joe Biden from him of the State of the Union night?

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