Sunday, June 16, 2024

Is an electric vehicle collapse inevitable?

 Mike McDaniel - American Thinker

Hertz unloading its EV fleet has been much in the news. Americans have a nasty tendency not to buy, or even rent, vehicles they don’t trust and don’t want. And now, even General Motors is beginning to bow to reality: 

"Were one to listen to Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg, or Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm, one might come away with the impression that electric vehicles (EVs) are so popular, the government’s intention of mostly replacing internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles with EVs by 2030 was a foregone conclusion. After all, the Mummified Meat Puppet Administration (MMPA) tells us they’ll build a half million fast chargers across America by then to handle the load, and they’ve allocated $7.5 billion we don’t have to that noble endeavor." ....

. . ."How is DEI—didn’t earn it—screwing things up?  At least 40% of the money has to go to “underserved communities,” which is brilliant because those are the communities least able to afford, or want, an EV, so they have no use for EV chargers."

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