Monday, June 17, 2024

NYT Opinion Writer: 'What Have We Liberals Done to the West Coast?'

Matt Vespa (

The problem is liberals think they’re always right. There is no humility, and any actual failures are due to the ignorance of people who are less than, either because of income or education, who don’t know any better. That’s gospel in liberal America, which is why people like Trump get a lot of attention.

"I don’t know if this is an organic period of self-reflection for liberals or if they’re just trying to pull a long con on voters, showing they’re aware of their movement’s problems, but if we elect them, things will be different. Nicholas Kristof was never someone I’d thought who’d pen a lengthy column about the failures of liberalism. Alas, he did, blaming West Coast liberalism for turning that part of the country into a hellhole. Republicans can’t be blamed; there aren’t enough of them in the cities that dot the Left Coast. Even Democrats have called out progressives for their ridiculous levels of anemia when it comes to governing.
"Kristof doesn’t shy away from the West’s issues, noting the deplorable decay that’s taking hold in the region where he grew up as a native Oregonian. He blames progressives who are more concerned about maintaining ideological purity. " . . .

. . ."Politics always is part theater, but out West too often we settle for being performative rather than substantive. 

"For example, as a gesture to support trans kids, Oregon took money from the tight education budget to put tampons in boys’ restrooms in elementary schools — including boys’ restrooms in kindergartens." . . .

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