Monday, August 5, 2024

Is This the End of Women’s Sports?

"PRAGER UIf we don’t believe that biological men have a significant advantage over biological women in sports, then why did women’s sports ever need to be created in the first place? Let’s stop fooling ourselves."

"I have more posts that include Selina Soule, the girl in the above video:

  • The Destruction of Women’s Sports No Big Deal… To the Left (March 2019)
  • Girls’ Civil Rights Violated By Trangender “Athlete” (August 2019)
  • The Trans War On Women #FairPlay (May 2020)

"1995 NIKE AD – From youth sports to collegiate athletics to the Olympics, female athletes in every sport and at every level deserve a safe and fair playing field."

"What about this “intersex” charge? Does this then change our position as to being allowed into a female sport? No. XY is still present, as well as high levels of testosterone during puberty giving a life-long advantage over other [genuine] females:

Along this same line:..Oh-So-Tolerant Leftist Sends NASTY Hate Message to Riley Gaines   "This is how the Left treats women who don't toe the line on the transgender issue. Riley Gaines has been an outspoken critic of men in women's sports and spaces, and makes no apology for it.  

"So, naturally, the oh-so-tolerant Left can't stand her.

"And they think they're justified in sending disgusting, threatening messages like this because of it (NSFW language warning):" Read the words sent to Riley Gaines yourself at the link. Meanwhile here is Riley's reply:  Meanwhile, I've been getting hundreds of messages like this one for saying these boxers are male. So tolerant, right? What's false will never become reality just because it's accepted or encouraged by society."  The language leftists use on her.

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