Monday, August 5, 2024

Palestinians ❤ Hamas

 Gatestone Institute

"It is obvious why Abbas has not condemned the October 7 massacres against Israelis: he respects the "great" leader of the murderers and rapists and has even observed a day of mourning for the killing of Haniyeh. If you are so fond of the slain Hamas mass-murderer, it shows that you support the atrocities of October 7."

Pictured: Abbas (R) and Haniyeh in Gaza City, on April 5, 2007. 

  • By hailing Haniyeh as a "great leader," Abbas and his Palestinian Authority cohorts are sending a message to all Palestinians that the murderous Hamas leader is their role model.

  • [T]he Biden-Harris administration and those who continue to talk about the creation of a Palestinian state alongside Israel.... must be reminded that Haniyeh, who is being praised by Abbas and the PA as a "great leader," belongs to a group that has long been waging a Jihad (holy war) to murder Jews and destroy Israel – and that does not have the slightest intention of being "revitalized."

  • Abbas and other Palestinian Authority leaders have once again demonstrated their preference to ally with Islamist terror groups such as Hamas rather than to secure a brighter future for their own people. Abbas and the PA have also once again served as a reminder that they share the same goal as Hamas: glorify terrorism and destroy Israel.

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