Monday, August 5, 2024

For Kamala Harris ‘Weird’ Is the New ‘Deplorable’

David Catron; The American Spectator.
"But Harris may not be able to rise above schoolyard taunts. On inflation, for example, an AP article reported that she has never discussed the topic in the speeches she has made since she was installed at the top of Democratic presidential ticket . . ."

"One of the worst political pratfalls by any recent presidential candidate was Hillary Clinton’s “basket of deplorables” speech in September of 2016. At the time, most Democrats and their legacy media partners openly agreed with her assessment of Donald Trump and his supporters. When the targets of that snide slander sent her back to Chappaqua, it dawned on some of these geniuses that insulting the customer is a losing strategy. Most failed to learn the lesson, however, including the Democratic Party’s presumptive presidential nominee for 2024. Vice President Kamala Harris, with no apparent sense of irony, has taken to calling her Republican opponents “weird.”

"One would think that Harris, whose bizarre word salads have made her something of a laughing stock, would avoid the term “weird.” Yet she uses it to describe Republicans at every opportunity. Predictably, as Dave Rubin documents, this puerile taunt has been parroted by a long list of Democrats and talking heads. And they have by no means restricted their insults to Donald Trump and J.D. Vance. Democratic operative Max Burns writes in The Hill that Trump’s choice of Vance as his running mate reveals what he imagines is a profound insight about the former president and his supporters: “It’s reminding millions of voters that the MAGA movement is a clown car packed with off-putting weirdos.” In 2020, this “clown car” carried 74 million voters—8 million more than Barack Obama carried in 2012.

"This is why New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman describes this schoolyard name-calling as “the dumbest message Democrats could seize on right now.” These “weirdos” are the working-class voters who have endured the most pain from the economic policies of the Biden-Harris administration. They are the people struggling to pay for groceries, gasoline and rent. They are the young couples who can’t afford to buy a house because the median price of an existing home is at a record high and mortgage rates have skyrocketed. This is bad news for Harris and Democrats in general because these working class voters may well decide who wins the upcoming election. As political scientist Ruy Teixeira writes in the Liberal Patriot . . ."

Now this was weird: Of Kamala’s Coconuts, Venn Diagrams, and Yellow School Buses  "Lies come back to bite you."  

. . ."Now to Harris: Besides being very correctly attacked for her shameful immorality in entering public life, her extremely woke record in California politics, and her failed 2020 presidential campaign, Harris also has been mocked repeatedly for several things — primarily her cackling and her word salads.

"I have written elsewhere that we now have moved beyond the introductions and honeymoon, and it is time to focus for the next three months on 12 extreme-left policies and issues that lie at the core of her entire political identity." . . .

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