Thursday, August 22, 2024

JNS poll: Israelis like Kamala Harris less than they liked Joe Biden

Caroline B. Glick   "In a JNS/Direct Polls survey of Israelis conducted on Aug. 19 regarding their view of the presidential race that pits Vice President U.S.-Israel Relations 

"Kamala Harris against former President Donald Trump, Harris enjoys the support of a 28% of Israelis to Trump’s 64%, with 9% of Israelis professing to have no opinion. 

"In a JNS/Direct Polls survey of Israelis carried out on July 9, 34% of respondents supported Biden to 55% for Donald Trump and 11% had no opinion.

In this week’s poll, Harris has virtually no support among Israelis aged 18-29; 93% support Trump compared to a 7% for the vice president. All age groups support Trump against Harris by well over 50 points except seniors. Israelis 65 and over are tied with 43% supporting each candidate and 14% undecided.

"With the U.S. pushing Israel to avoid taking action against Iran or Hezbollah in Lebanon that risks intensifying the regional war, JNS/Direct Polls asked Israelis a series of questions about how they assess the Biden-Harris administration’s commitment to Israel’s security and how they feel about defying the administration’s wishes on a series of pressing issues. 

"When asked to what extent they believed Biden and Harris when they declare their commitment to Israel’s security, 38% of respondents said that they have great faith in the U.S. leaders’ commitments to Israel’s security. Twenty-one percent said they somewhat believed them, 22% said they had little faith in their commitment, and 19% said they have no faith in the U.S. leaders’ commitment to Israel’s security. 

"On the other hand, only 34% of Israelis believe that Biden and Harris are committed to preventing Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons. Sixty percent do not believe them. And 6% have no opinion." . . .

 The more I see of Tim Walz, the more I realize he’s just a fatter, whiter version of Kamala.  . . ."I have no knack for political correctness.  The very idea of some invisible government hobgoblin sitting in judgment of my speech offends me.  So I will give it to you straight: the Democrat Party is a dangerous collection of loonies and degenerates who will eventually overdose on raw political power.  Outside the United Center in Chicago this week, all manner of freaks have shown up to variously celebrate or condemn Tweedle-Kam’s coronation.  There are Jew-haters who wish death to Israel.  There are women (I think; after all, what’s a woman?) dressed up as birth control pills.  There are global warming fearmongers who openly wish for government authorities to depopulate the planet.  There are pedophile-apologists who push all kinds of perversions as perfectly healthy.  There are idiot agitators, moronic race hustlers, and imbecilic Antifa gangsters who all want to wage war on the police.  Planned Parenthood has a mobile van set up in case any expectant mothers would like to kill their babies.  And whether all these violent crackpots are for or against Kamala Harris today, they will all vote for her and support her communist policies tomorrow (and vote more than once in Democrat-controlled precincts)." . . .  

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