Sunday, August 18, 2024

The liberal press protects Kamala from shots by any serious media

 "In a video posted on social media, Johnson accused the Harris campaign of engaging in what he called “Democrat Plantation tactics,” using black celebrities to pressure and shame the black community into voting for a party that, in his view, offers little in return."

Say what we want and we'll protect you!

This is why Kamala Harris is avoiding the press — and getting away with it  
"Still, it is disturbing that even as Americans and our allies harbor serious concerns about whether the president is up to an increasingly fraught geopolitical and economic moment, his constitutional understudy has done so little to reassure the public."
When will Kamala Harris meet the press? - Poynter   "Eventually, Harris will have to sit down for a one-on-one interview or press conference. But, so far, not doing so hasn’t hurt her." . . .

Jim Hᴏft  "Dr. Umar Johnson, a well-known activist and educator with millions of followers on social media, rejected an interview offer of $10,000 from the Kamala Harris campaign, calling out a manipulative strategy to win over the black vote.

“Black vote ain’t for sale no more,” Johnson said, emphasizing that the days of pandering to black voters with empty promises and financial incentives are over.

"Johnson shared a screenshot of the text from the Kamala campaign offering him money to do the interview.

"The text reads:

“Hello Dr. Umar Johnson. [redacted] from the Harris2024 team. You are a big part of the black community. Can you help us by completing a Zoom meeting with VP Kamala Harris. Paying [redacted] are looking for about an hour of your time. Please advise if you would like to complete the Zoom call. Your help can get us across the finish line. HARRIS2024”

"Johnson responded:

“Peace & PanAfrikanism. I hope that all is well. I’m not interested in your money. However, I am very interested in having the zoom conversation with Vice President Harris to discuss our needs and her plans for the Black community. This zoom must be livecasted to the national Black community and may not be prerecorded.

I promise to be completely respectful of the Vice President but I will ask direct questions about miseducation, mass incarceration, police brutality, economic strangulation, gentrification/ migrant crisis, reparations & and the need for a federal anti-Black Hate Crimes Bill.”


What sort of chaos can we expect at the Democrat Convention? 

How would a violent DNC affect Harris’s polling numbers?  Kamala is already seeing her honeymoon begin to tatter; her unforced error promising $1.7 trillion in new entitlements was likely a significant boost for Trump.  Harris is burdened with a considerable handicap: she must woo her left flank while trying to prove she has a different plan from failed Bidenomics.  With luck and a little bit of history, perhaps the nearly twenty million undecided voters will use their minds and not their emotions in deciding who the next president should be.

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