Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Israel: The UN should be ashamed

"Why would the UN – a global organization supposedly dedicated to furthering and maintaining worldwide peace – knowingly protect savage barbarians, whose sole aim is to control every person, forcing them to be subservient to a demonic ideology that demands allegiance to murderous thugs? I’m at a loss to comprehend this kind of depravity."  The Jerusalem Post


Kamala, what’s your plan for Iran? The Times of Israel   . . ."Harris owes it to the American people to tell us what her plan — vis-à-vis Iran — will be. Harris has expressed her support for a two-state solution numerous times and has said she will use the leverage the United States has as Israel’s primary provider of weapons to influence Israeli military policy. That’s pretty specific. But Harris has remained mum or spewed generalities concerning Iran. Does she believe that a Palestinian state can happen while Iran continues to preach the destruction of Israel while training and arming the likes of Hezbollah, Hamas, and the Houthi? If so, let us know how, because the defanging of Iran and progress in peace negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians are intimately connected. Would Harris allow Iran to become a nuclear power? The Biden administration has said it would not, but not much more. We need to hear from Harris: How far would she go to prevent a nuclear Iran?" . . .

The UN protects Hamas because it hates the Jewish people - The Jerusalem Post   "It didn’t come as a huge shock to read that Hamas warehouses in Gaza are full of stolen humanitarian aid.
"Considering that these warehouses are stored to the brim not only with goods but also food and medicine, it is unbelievable that Francesca Albanese, the UN special rapporteur on human rights for the Palestinian territories, can keep a straight face when she laments that there are shortages in Gaza, squarely blaming Israel for it.

With a reported 200 trucks entering Gaza daily, these supplies are packed into the Hamas warehouses, causing them to run out of space. 

You would think that this would be the lead story for all news services. Or, at least, a much-needed update should be given by the UN, which seems to be out of the loop or is deliberately pushing another version for the sole purpose of fomenting more hatred toward Israel, by casting blame on it.

Israel will continue to strike Hezbollah, Netanyahu says - The Jerusalem Post (    . . ."Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on Tuesday called for a de-escalation, stating, ”We need to make sure that civilians are protected. The violence needs to stop.
“ 'We need to make sure there is de-escalation, both by Israel and Hezbollah. We need to protect civilian lives. We need to make sure we’re moving towards peace and stability in the entire region,” Trudeau added."

                                         Israel says "Never again!"

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