Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Joe Biden's disastrous legacy of crime at home and war abroad on full display in his final UN speech

 Michael Goodwin (  

"He tried to sneak Afghanistan into the memory lane mix, saying, “I was determined to end it, and I did,” before saying he thinks “every day” of the 13 service members who died in his chaotic withdrawal. As always, he ignores the inconvenient fact that every military leader warned him that the complete and sudden abandonment would be a disaster — and it was." 

"In 1980, the Boston Globe put a place-holding headline on an editorial about a speech by President Jimmy Carter. 

“ 'Mush from the wimp,” the headline read — and it appeared in more than 150,000 copies of the paper before editors caught their error and removed it. 

"I thought about that headline as I watched Joe Biden’s UN speech Tuesday.

"The similarities go far beyond another mushy speech from another wimpy president. 

"Biden now rivals Carter as the worst American president of the modern era — and maybe of all time. 

"Both men were one-term Democrats felled by inflation and disorder at home.

"On the global stage, they pursued policies that too often treated American power as a problem rather than a solution, and were rewarded with mayhem and murderous aggression. 

"There are differences, too, with Carter constrained by his faith-based moral imperatives, while Biden’s family got rich by selling his name to foreigners, some of them adversaries. ". . .

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