Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Senate Unanimously Passes Bill Offering Trump Same Secret Service Protection As Biden

 After his SOTU and DNC diatribes against Trump Joe Biden (Or Jill?) will likely sign it with clenched teeth. As I suspect, did the ladies of the Squad. TD

Rebecca Downs ( "Last Friday, as we covered at the time, the House unanimously passed a bill from Reps. Mike Lawler (R-NY) and Ritchie Torres (D-NY) to offer nominees for president and vice president the same U.S. Secret service protection as the sitting president and vice president. The Senate did so on Tuesday by unanimous consent in a move offered by Sens. Rick Scott (R-FL) and Tim Scott (R-SC)." . . .

How did they get The Squad to agree to protecting Trump?

The Squad (United States Congress)

. . ."Speaking about the bill that passed last Friday by a unanimous vote of 405-0, the senator continued by offering that such a vote "shows that when common sense and desperately needed legislation comes before Congress, we can act quickly to do what the American people expect us of."

"In asking for unanimous consent, Scott noted that passing his bill "sends an important message to the American public and the world that we will not ignore these threats, which are truly an attack on our Democratic process and have rightly shocked the world."

Just in time; somebody who listened to this MSNBC lady may decide to eliminate Trump! TD

Stephanie Ruhle's Shameless Slobbering Over Kamala Harris Pays Off Big for Her – RedState   Hear her for yourself . . ."Calling this pathetic would be an understatement. Kamala Harris wants to be President of the United States, yet she's picking interviewers based on how much they bend the knee to her. Ruhle is a joke of a "journalist" who has long done the bidding of Democrats on MSNBC. She isn't going to ask a single tough question because she's already told us she's not going to ask a single tough question, and that's all it took to secure an interview with Harris. 

"The incentives within the mainstream press are completely screwed up. The more a journalist goes soft on a Democrat, the more likely they are to gain access. On the flip side, the more a journalist acts like a partisan hack towards a Republican, the more likely they are to see elevation in their career. For proof of that, go watch ABC News' Linsey Davis at the presidential debate between Harris and Trump and then read the glowing reviews she received." . . .

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