Saturday, September 14, 2024

The media war against Israel; Partisan journalists may have subverted American democracy, but over Israel they have blood on their hands

  Melanie Phillips ( 

. . ."Instead, they have been inciting often murderous hatred of Israel around the world. The media may have subverted and undermined American democracy. But when it comes to Israel, it has blood on its hands." . . .

BBC Broadcasting House, London

. . ."And the picture of Israel that’s been painted over the last few decades — and even more intensely since the October 7 Hamas-led pogrom against southern Israel communities — is a vicious and wildly distorted caricature.
"The impression given by the British media for the past 11 months of this war has been that Israel is wilfully killing huge numbers of Gaza’s women and children, recklessly bombing hospitals and schools full of displaced people, and preventing humanitarian aid from getting to civilians.
"Those claims are the reverse of the truth. Yet a very senior military figure seems to have believed them because this media narrative is omnipresent. Even in newspapers whose editorial line is broadly sympathetic to Israel, the reporting is massively distorted by the promulgation of Hamas propaganda as news reports.
"The most egregious serial offender is the BBC, whose global reach and reputation for integrity and trustworthiness make it the most influential media outlet in the world. For decades, it has sanitised Palestinian Arab terrorism and painted Israel falsely as the aggressor in the region. And during the current war in Gaza, its coverage has been overwhelmingly malevolent.
"A major study published this week by Trevor Asserson, a British lawyer based in Tel Aviv, laid bare the staggering scale of this betrayal of BBC and journalistic standards.
"A dedicated team he set up used AI to crunch four months of war coverage. It identified 1,553 breaches of the BBC’s own guidelines on impartiality and accuracy. It also revealed moderate or strong pro-Palestinian/anti-Israeli sentiment in more than 90 per cent of broadcasts on the network’s flagship shows." . . .

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